Consumers Crave Simplicity in Video Services

Consumers are exhausted with creating their own makeshift entertainment packages, craving a more simplified experience. Discover new solutions to simplify the viewer experience and win customers over in CTAM’s latest streaming study.

Viewers Call Finding New TV Content ‘Frustrating’: The search for new, interesting content has frustrated 51% of people in a Comcast Advertising survey, and 72% begin by scrolling through apps or programs. Genre plays a major role in viewing decisions for 94%.(Next TV, 2024)

*Nielsen’s Gracenote metadata listings

CTAM is leading brand exposure opportunities to attract viewers through three initiatives as well as through CTAM’s 2024 Business Priorities:

CTAM SmartMove

Digital campaign reaches consumers at a key decision-making point when they move households. Sophisticated targeting of fans promotes program content from members in digital display creative with engagement data at no extra cost.


TV Critics Tour

Bi-annual forum assembles 250+ influential writers to boost coverage of program content saving members an average of $10k per tour.


Directing visitors to legitimate TV and movie streaming and on-demand services with a comprehensive where-to-watch search and discover engine.

The Complex Metadata Journey

A first-of-its-kind visualization of the metadata pathway communicates a better understanding of the process.

These illustrations are designed to influence consistent metadata management practices across platforms and potentially stimulate process efficiencies.

Click each image to enlarge

Metadata Path from Publisher to Viewer
Example 1: First-run TV Series on Current Generation STB
Example 2: Syndicated TV Series with EST on Current Generation STB

News Metadata Best Practices

News and breaking news impose accelerated work flows for metadata management and these best practices provide guidance for news series and specials. Contributed by subject matter experts from Charter, Comcast, Fox, NBCU, and WarnerMedia.

Metadata Best Practices for Multi-Network Simulcast and Links Between Related Specials

A working group comprised of subject matter experts from Comcast, Charter, Fox, NBCU, WarnerBros. Discovery outline procedures for major events and simulcasts.

Content Discoverability Resources