Consumers face an ever-growing complexity of video service options when it comes to satisfying their video needs. They seek not more services and options – in fact, churn continues across pay TV services and is growing for many SVODs – but instead a centralized experience that can simplify, optimize, and personalize their viewing experience. CTAM and Magid Research conducted a qualitative and quantitative study which provides the playbook to effectively develop such a centralized experience.

Ten Key Findings

  • Consumer choice and challenge: We’ve created a (bundling) Frankenstein, and consumers currently cobble together the ideal entertainment package
  • Consumers are demanding innovation: Rooted in trust and convenience, not nickel and diming
  • At the heart of the innovation is the ISP – the dark horse capable of powering a singular connected experience
  • The connected central hub represents an opportunity to own the customer relationship with video….
  • …And beyond into many spaces Pay TV companies have never entered before
  • Bundling is critical to driving satisfaction which is strongly connected to churn
  • Singularity of content, billing, search and discovery = simplifying + amplifying the customer experience
  • What about loyalty and rewards? It is important to find ways to reset with core customers while driving new acquisitions and reasons to engage again or for the first time
  • Search and discovery algorithms should be prioritized, and social and community tools can provide further value and distinction
  • Improving the ad experience is long overdue
  • 77% of consumers are interested in a central hub
  • 84% of consumers cite ease of content discovery as important for choosing to subscribe to a video/service provider
  • The top 3 most important considerations in a bundle after mobile service include retail subscriptions (63%), audio service (60%), and gaming service (47%)
  • 77% of total consumers are interested in a loyalty program

CTAM & Magid Research Qualitative and Quantitative Study, Spring 2024

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